> Where is the best price ? Has anyone ever seen the Hobbyair 1 system
>besides at Eastwood ? I found the web site for the manufacturer
>http://www.fastechcorp.com/hoblink.html but its the same price as Eastwood.
> There has to be someone somewhere who sells it at a discount (doesn't there?).
I don't know if it's better or not, but I got a full-face system through
Master McCarr (sp?) for about the same price ($350'ish) a couple years ago;
the manufacturer appears to be German. If you wear glasses, the full-face
is a pain, as it doesn't seal too well with glasses on; putting on my contacts
took care of that. For painting, the local paint supplier recommended a
full face and also earplugs (!); he said that the eyes and inner ear were
pretty porous(?), and that various nasties could be absorbed through the skin
in those locations...
Happy Birthday,