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re: Painting fans?

To: shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: re: Painting fans?
From: Scott Beckman <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:27:27 -0700
>    Any tips on "sensible temporary home spray
>  booths" appreciated.

In my garage, there is an access hatch (hole?) in the ceiling which leads to
the attic.  I remove the sheetrock and place a box fan which blows into the
attic.  I have two powered attic fans which exhaust the attic on hot days.  I
override these so they stay on while I paint.  I open the garage door just
enough to let air in.  

I suppose I could make a filter to fit the garage door opening, but dust has
not been a big problem for me.  Of course, I do keep the floor wet with water
while I am spraying.

One last not, the house does smell like paint fumes after a while.  I just ask
the wife to go shopping with her friends for a couple of hours!  I also like to
spray midweek instead of weekends so my neighbors won't mind/notice so much.  



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