TIP tools (satisfied customer,no personal interest...) gives some useful advice
on plumbing air lines and drying compressed air. I believe their web page is:
The most useful ideas I've tried are:
1) run sufficient length of pipe (I used heavy wall copper) to dissipate heat.
2) slope the pipe towards a drain away from your compressor.
3) tee your feed line off the top of the horizontal run of pipe.
The theory being: any moisture that has condensed in the horizontal run will be
at the bottom of the pipe and flow towards the drain. Works well for me and it
can get humid here in New England during the summer.
Eric <ejrussell@sprynet.com>
On Tue, 09 Jun 98, "Mordecai Dunst"<mdunst@smtplink.coh.org> wrote:
> What is a simple yet effective way of drying the air from a compressor
> running in a mildy humid enviroment.
> Mordy Dunst