>I envy your access to three phase, for most of us that requires a single
>phase to 3 phase converter at some cost and varying efficiencies and
>output. But I agree, three phase is how all power should come. The
>motors are much lighter, simpler, more efficient and cheaper.
With all this talk about 220V, I've got a question. Our house is getting
close to be finished now, and the builder will be putting in a 220V "dryer"
style outlet. By "dryer", I assume he means the type of receptacle a dryer
can plug into. From the sounds of it, I think I can safely infer that it
is single phase also. Since this hasn't been put in yet, and is subject
to change, I'd like to know what additional work is necessary for 3 phase 220V,
and if it's a reasonable thing to have in a "normal" garage/workshop (strictly
residential suburbia).