Hi, I am setting up my new compressor and trying to use a union this time
between the comp. and line(3/4in. Black Iron Pipe) so I dont have a bunch of
leaks connected together by some pipe, like my old system.
Anyway, the union has allowed me to tighten all the piping together and
solve all the leaks but the union leaks. Has anyone ever used a quick
disconnect at the compressor, to a short 6" hose then to the pipe ? Quick
disconnects seem to be the perfect answer, I found one at a store here with
a 5/8" inside diameter and could put that on the compressor and short hose.
Then it would be easy to connect and remove. Of course, the last time I
removed the connection on my old compressor was 14 years ago and this one
should be just as long so maybe a simple union is best, but the darn thing
~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour .oooO Oooo. __._._. O (Yahoo!)
bug-writer..er..programmer ( ) ( ) ____ ._.. /\,
In-Line Technologies, Inc. \ ( ) / -|~(*)
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michel or mikey@inline-tech.com ::::::::::\............
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