The term "Paint Thinner" can include alot of different chemicals. The
paint thinner I use and probably what you have is plain old mineral
spirits. Works fine, slow to evaporate, kind to the hands, and a fairly
high flash point.
Bob Bachman
Tim Mullen wrote:
> In a message dated 97-12-19 21:06:01 EST,
> ejrussell@sprynet.com writes:
> >
> > << seeking advice about solutions in my degreasing tank >>
> >
> > I'll probably go everlasting hellfire etcetc but any and every light
> > solvent that turns up including old gasoline, paint thinner, some
> > ATF, <...>
> I've always just used paint thinner. Last time I
> bought some, I
> bought it in bulk at a paint store... Works pretty
> well...
> --
> Tim Mullen