> A Kinetico guy that came out "pooh-poohed" the WB (of course). He said
> that the WB would not handle the volume required for a large house/family
> on a well.
> Do you know how many grains it will soften before regen and what the max
> flow rate is?
We have three bathrooms, dishwasher, clothes washer, etc. and it only
regenerates about every two to three weeks. According to our water
bill, we use 300-400 gallons of water per day, but a portion of that is
for irrigation, washing the car, etc. and I use hard water for that, of
course. I fill it with potassium about once a year or so. It measures
water flow and regenerates based upon water used once you set it for
your local hardness.
Here are some specs:
salt use 3.8 lbs at 17,800 grains
26 minutes recycle time
15 gallons for regeneration
water pressure 20-120psi
max flow rate 11 gpm at 10.9psig
salt efficiency 4,684 grains/lb
120 lbs salt storage
maximum compensated hardness 70 grains gpg
iron reduction 10 ppm reduced to <.3ppm
nominal 20 microns sediment filtration
I guess I would know more in another five years as far as reliability,
but it certainly has more than sufficient capacity and flow rate for our
Hope this helps,