On Thu, 4 Sep 97 15:42:37 CDT walter@omni.sps.mot.com (Thomas Walter)
>Thinking of making up a simple distributor machine:
>Motor for 300 to 3000 rpm (which implies 600 to 6000rpm
> at the engine) - fine fo my needs.
>Timing Light.
>Degree wheel.
>Metal lathe -- custom made adapter and fixture.
>QUESTION 1: All the British cars that I can think of
>have CCW (counter clock wise) rotating distributors.
>Not sure on "detroit iron"... does anyone know of any
>CW rotating distributors?
I'm pretty sure my Dodge truck (1991 5.9 litre engine) is a clockwise
rotation. But I have been known to be wrong!
Larry Hoy