> I need to buy a new 12v battery and wonder if the Champion batteries
> > sold at Sam's are just as good as other batteries? An Interstate or
> > Sears Die Hard cost a lot more and I wonder if they are worth the
> > extra?
> >
> > While we are talking about Sams. I just moved and there is both a Sams
> > and a BJs near. Can anyone compare the two as far as tools, car, and
> > shop stuff goes??
I have shopped at Sam's for years. They have good prices on tires, shop
equipment, oil, etc. The stock on some tools and other stuff is
somewhat erratic. If they have something you want, it's best to buy it
now. If you wait, they may not have it later. Some items they always
have, but some stuff they have it once and you never see it again or
they may not have it for several months.
As for batteries, I have used the Champion with good results, but others
I know have not ben so lucky. I know of several that went bad almost
right away and it seems they like to be evenly charged; that is don't
let it go flat and then recharge it too many times. If you were going
to drive it everyday it may be OK, but if it's a once in a while car, I
don't know. The Interstate is the best one in my opinion. There are
dealers everywhere and the batteries are top quality. You get what you
pay for!