Michael Leach wrote:
> My friend just painted his concrete floor. I don't know what type of paint
> but he did mention that he had to etch the concrete with meratic(SP?) acid
> in order to get full adhesion to the concrete floor. Maybe someone else
> has heard of this technique.
> At 02:50 PM 7/1/97 -0400, Gary_Smith@discovery.com wrote:
Forgot to mention this.
You must etch the concrete. You can get muratic acid from
pool supply stores. Mine carried a box of 4 one gallon bottles for
$10 plus a $5 bottle core charge.
I poured the acid on the concrete, mixed with water from a hose, and
scrubbed in with a push broom. Bad for your breathing and eyes so
wear respirator and eye protection.
Clean with water, then with a baking soda/water mix (I used about
4 pounds baking soda to 4 gallons water) as an acid neutralizer.
Then rinse again with water.
Leave overnight, and then brush away the concrete dust. Re-wet
the floor just prior to painting. More information can be had by
calling Griggs paint (not affiliated, just a happy customer)
Jack L. Poller (408) 752-9176