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Brake fluid and paint jobs

Subject: Brake fluid and paint jobs
From: (thomas walter x5955)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 96 07:59:20 CDT
> From: (John Miller)
> Does anyone know if these (or any) paints will resist spilled brake fluid?

Biggest advantage for DOT-5 (silicone) brake fluid. ;-)

Reaction of paint to regular brake fluid:

Laquer is worst (quick reaction, seems to lift off in short
Enamel is better
Catalyzed Enamel (two part - expoxy) paints. I've been able to wipe off
              spills with no problem.

Sigh, I still don't like DOT-5 fluid (difficult to bleed) and have stuck
with Castrol GT-LMA stuff, which I flush out a maximum of every two years,
but boy have I collected a "toxic dump" of old brake fluid waiting for
hazardous pickup day (once or twice a year).


Tom Walter
Austin, TX.

P.S. Love those two part expoxy paints, but next time around will stick
to laquer if I am spraying any where near the house, just a matter of
'less toxic' and much easier to touch up those spots where a bug landed in
the wet paint. Just a pain to keep buffing for that shiny look. ;-)

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