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Mothers Day

Subject: Mothers Day
From: Francois Davel <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 22:09:55 +0200
Hello All

I am glad that there is some action again and I think that things should be
a little more loose since that is the modern trend and that is what the
Internet is about, ANYHOW, back to CARS !!!

I am off to "Cars in the Park", on Mother Day !!! Which seems a little odd
since the Mothers here have a limited interest in cars, but my 2 Boys, 12
and 9 years old will travel down with my '79 Silver Shadow II  and see what
is on offer which is always interesting anything from all over the world is
usually there OLD, NEW and even models. I will let the list know on Monday.

I hope that there will be some other Rolls owners there as there should be,
there are about 250 to 300 cars there from all over the country here in
South Africa, and they all travel to the city close to where I live,
Pietermaritzburg, near the East coast and the city of Durban if some one
would like to find it on a map.



'79 Shadow II 

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