it is united speedometer.
the center tach is either discontinued or they arent doing it anymore.
they were using a super rare pontiac? tach that isnt being made and
they are having a hard time getting thier hands on(as of at least a
year ago)
hopefully they found a chinaman who is making them but last time i
tried -it wasnt paossible.
so for the cost of thier set-you can buy 2-4 rebuilt ones from the
regular vendors. and BTW-90mph speedo past 52, 80-previous.
and last i heard 70 was the max here in CA... =) no reason for a 120
speedo... right? 'WINK'
they do swap all gauge parts to electric... not a fan, and the temp
gauge goes too high, and the oil pressure if you are running 216 wont
even register! =)
good gauges though! make sure its exactly what you want for the
7-800/set you will pay.
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