Hey all, I finally have my truck rolling (sense 2001)!! I set up the rearend
last spring but was slow moving at the front. You all know the deal...honey
does, work..kids....kids kids (haha, it hasn't rolled sense the grandtwins were
born..they are five now) I welded in the crossmember after measuring about
twenty times and then had the wife check it to make sure (don't need any more
mistakes). I actually was able to spend the majority of the last couple
weekends to play with it. I had to roll it out of the garage to get some sun.
I'm hauling it to work for a good steam clean this week end and then I'll start
prepping the frame for paint. Thanks Wayne for the set up on pics.
Hope all has a good week!
Steve Stuckmeyer
51 3100
St Peters, MO
The fish are biting.
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