Hi Mark,
Number of pulleys depend on your accessories, running just an
alternator would require one belt and only need a single pulley, but since
you're running AC, power steering and alternator i'd think you'd need a 2
groove pulley. One belt could pull the power steering and a low mount
alternator on one side or vice versa. Other belt on the second groove would
pull the AC compressor. Seems 3 groove might be a bit much, but if you got
the 3 groove and didn't use one----who cares.. I got one belt a have a 2
groove pulleys..... --wayne
At 09:06 PM 11/9/2006, Mark Mintmier wrote:
>Anyone care to offer any recommendations regarding what I should be
>looking for in regard to the crankshaft pulley and water pump pulley? I
>guess I'll worry about belts after the pulleys are on.