Medium Plastic Wire Looms
These plastic wire looms for door jams are 5/8" O.D. x 3/8" ID. x 7+"
long. Fixed grommet at one end for the door jam. Sliding grommet for
the other end goes into the door. More than twice the wire capacity
as 1/4" I.D. tubing. Requires 3/4" and 7/8" Diameter holes. Hot rod
#P-MWL (2 door /pair)..................................................Only
Giant Plastic Wire Looms
These giant wire looms are 1" O.D. x 3/4" 1.D. x 7+" long with a fixed
grommet at one end and a sliding grommet for the other end. Will
handle LOTS of wires. Mount into 1-3/8" Diameter holes. Hot rod black.
#P-GWL (pair)..... Only .....
Magnum Shooters
Door jam wire contacts eliminate looms and wire flexing. With screws
and connectors. Per door.
#DD-MGS2 (2 contact, shown at right)
#DD-MGS3 (3 contact)
#DD-MGS4 (4 contact, shown at left)
#DD-MGS4P (4 contact + pin switch)
#DD-MGS5 (5 contact)
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959