to all- I've run across an interesting problem with my transmission that I
have never seen before. Twice now the yoke has come loose on it, both times
while driving. The first time I had just installed the tranny, and chalked it
up to the bolt being loosened by somebody prior to myself. That time the
driveline dropped out as my wife was pulling away from a stop sign 2 blocks
away from home. She came home and pulled the bolt out of another SM420 I have
sitting in the back yard, bolted it all back together, and continued on her
way. It happened to me today as I was driving down the freeway (blowing out
the carbon as my dad would have called it,) had her up to about 85, when I
started slowing down I noticed a rather severe vibration that was related to
vehicle speed. I nursed it home from the offramp, about 1/2 mile, and then
crawled underneath to find the problem. I thought it might be the yoke again,
and sure enough, it was. Went in and tightened it up, the bolt was still
there this time, but I'm wondering what's causing this. It has the thick
spacer on it, but no lock washer or anything of the sort. I'm thinking of
taking it back apart and putting some loc-tite on it just for peace of mind.
Has anybody run across this kind of thing before?
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