The rear axle in my '53 is (according to the part number) from a 1973 Buick
Apollo, which I take is the same as a 1973 Nova. With regular tires and
wheels, the inside distance between the tires is 50 inches. The width of
the pickup box is about 50 inches. Are you using offset wheels?. I figure I
will need to get wheels with 3 inch backspace. The ratio in mine is 2.73
but I am changing it to a 3.08 so the Camaro speedometer (and the speed
sensor) work properly.
Does anyone have experience installing a Granada 9 inch rear axle on an AD?
I need help!
Carlos Madero
'53 1/2 ton
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959