I'm on my final stages of some assembly items on my '54 and it occurs to
me that there are some (many) codes in the Assembly Manual that I am not
quite sure about. I'm obsessing a little, here, so be patient with me.
I understand that LH means Left Hand Drive and RH means Right Hand Drive.
I also understand LW means Lock Washer and Nut, Bolt, Screw are obvious.
Does anyone know the following:
Question 1: PW (I think it might mean "Padded Washer" such as a rubber washer.
Specifically in Sect 1, Sheet 4 for the Cowl Vent Instruction mounting
bracket there are a couple of these listed and it makes sense that they
are padded washers).
Question 2: When the Assembly manual indicates that the assembly is for
cabs 3000, 4000, etc. does that include 3100 which in many instances, it
lists that specifically.
Thanks for any insights.
'53 Chevy 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959