----- Original Message -----
From: <spamblocker@spamalert.net>
To: <poordebru@skyenet.net>
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 6:21 PM
> This is a list of suspected SPAM and ADULT messages SpamAlert has captured
in the past 6 hours. They are being held in case you wish to retrieve them.
Additional instructions for retrieving captured email are at the bottom of
this message.
> ============================================================
> (SPAM) Important news about how Yahoo! communicate...
> Received: Monday, Nov 24, 2003 at 12:20pm
> To: poordebru@skyenet.net
> From: "Yahoo! Member Services" <mktg-prefs@yah...
> Scores: Adlt: 0 Spam: 46 Tot: 46
> [ ]Deliver [ ]Trusted Sender - Msg ID:(NX1C031124122012450)
> (SPAM) [oletrucks] Reverse tilting hood
> Received: Monday, Nov 24, 2003 at 1:06pm
> To: poordebru@skyenet.net
> From: "Old Chevy Pickup" <oldchevypickup@hotma...
> Scores: Adlt: 0 Spam: 25 Tot: 25
> [ ]Deliver [ ]Trusted Sender - Msg ID:(NXC2031124130646070)
> ============================================================
> *** Message Retrieval Instructions ***
> 1) To retrieve any messages listed, first click on "Reply" in your email
> 2) To retrieve a specific message, type an X in the "Deliver" box for that
> 3) To make sure that no mail is blocked from a particular sender in the
future, type an X in the "Trusted Sender" box for that message.
> 4) When you are done making your selections, click on "Send" to send your
requests. Your messages will be delivered shortly.
> If you do not want to retrieve any of these messages, simply do nothing
and they will be permanently deleted from the server after 7 days.
> To manage your spam go to http://mail.skyenet.net
> Login with your full email address. Click on spam.
> Go to http://www.spamalert.net if you need more details.
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959