Can anyone on the list tell me how rare chevy advance design canopy express
trucks are? A friend of mine located one over the weekend not far from
where we live and I stopped to look it over tonight. No positive I.D., but
has the vent wings in the doors so I'm assuming it's a '51 or later (up to
the end of the AD's in '54).
1/2 ton with three speed on the column, coudn't see under the hood, but body
sure looks like a canopy express (not a panel chopped-up). Has the correct
tailgate and openings on the sides. A lot of rust through, especially the
rear fenders. Because of the unique body style back of the cab, how hard is
it (if at all) to get replacement sheet metal for this rare duck?
Appreciate any advice or anyone that has a canopy express replying. Thanks
in advance.
Carl Ham
'56 Chevy TF Stepside
Pontiac, IL
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