Take a look at the linkage mechanism on your latch. There should be a place
on there where you could drop a cable from, with a pulley and a guide
(available from Lokar) you should be able to rig up some type of mechanical
pull. This mechanical pull can then be routed where you need it to go. The
problem with doing this is that when the door opens, the pull needs to go
with it - I have a buddy with an old olds (cutlass) that cut a small hole on
the front side of his door (near the jam) and ran the pull (a small cable)
into his engine compartment. Had to have the hood open to open the door
mechanically, but in worked.
There are other ways. Think of a lever mounted under your floorboard that
when moved pushes (or pulls) another lever that is attached to the door
mechanism. It's fun to watch someone walk up to their car, kick it, and have
a door open. I observed this on a road runner or something of the era - he
had all the levers chromed and did a nice install right near the rear jam of
the door. Looked a little odd when the door was open, but it sparked many
Hope this gives you some ideas
- Ryan
On 5/20/03 9:50 AM, "" <> wrote:
> Hello Ryan,
> Your oletrucks email (copied below) got me thinking.
> My 1951 Chevy 3100 is a working truck. I like to keep it simple, so another
> electrical thing to go out is not big on my list. However, the idea of a
> hidden/semi hidden mechanical entry sounds very interesting. Without giving
> away your security, can you give me an idea how I might rig this on my doors?
> (They have the original swing door latches.)
> Thanks and regards,
> Culver Adams
> Minneapolis, MN
> 1931 Chevy coupe
> 1951 Chevy 3100
> ------
> What do you mean by keyless entry? Do you mean door poppers or just
> automatic locks?
> On my 78 El Camino I had just the door lock solenoids - I loved it, never
> had a problem in 5-6 years. Recently though, I went up another level -
> shaved the handles completely and installed poppers. I actually like this
> function much more - the doors OPEN automatically. It's like having a valet
> <grin>.
> I have both a mechanical and an electrical backup in case there is a
> problem. I won't explain the mechanical for security purposes (ping me
> offline) but electrical is quite simple - an extra cable for my hood latch
> was hidden under the vehicle. If she is dead, then I can pop the hood from
> the outside and jump her - thereby getting in to the vehicle. The
> mechanical backup allows me to open the door mechanically if the poppers
> fail.
> Good luck!
> - Ryan
> Pullman, WA
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959