I too have had a lot of problems with my Patrick's shifter. He even sent me
a new one and I have had problems with that one as well, but not as bad.
They are really sensitive to proper setup as someone else has already
commented on. Take all the linkage arms off of the shifter end. Line up
the shifter in neutral and put a philips head screwdriver (they have round
shaft) into hole at top of shift arms to align them. The ajust and attach
shift rods.
My current problem, even after having aligned it properly (many times), is
that comming out of reverse, the shifter does not want to release completely
the reverse arm while it is going into 1st. Consequently, the shifter hangs
the transmission up between gears and it is not easy to get the transmission
back into neutral. Usually have to get under the truck and work the
transmission arms with a screwdriver and sometimes a hammer- not good for
the transmission. To try and prevent that, I now ,when shifting out of
reverse, move the stick bach and forth in neutral to make sure that the
shifter has completely released the reverse arm. A real pain. I am going
to look into getting a regular Hurst that attaches to the trans the way it
is supposed to. I think I have the clearance in the cab because I have a
panel with bucket seats.
Hope this helps.
>From: "Antonio R. Tijerino" <antonio@tijerino.net>
>Reply-To: "Antonio R. Tijerino" <antonio@tijerino.net>
>To: "Oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
>Subject: [oletrucks] Saginaw 4-speed problems.
>Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 17:36:41 -0600
>I installed the Patrick's shifter on my 78-80 4-speed Saginaw transmission.
>The installation went pretty smooth, but the transmission is not shifting
>First or Second gear at all. I have no problems shifting to reverse and 3er
>and 4th. For those of you with experience with these type of trannies, What
>am I facing here? A simple internal shifting fork? or major damage?
>'53 3100
>Eagle, ID
>oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959