I was thumbing in the local sniff and smell (Buy&Sell) the other day and came
across an article... "7 ea. standard shift 3 speed Over drive transmissions and
varouis extra parts solenoids ect...$200.00" I was thinking of the recent post
on this subject,, So I call the guy up and left a message... He lives fairly
close to me,,I figured they were gone since the paper was a week old,, 30
minutes ago he called me back,, thy are still for sale..I asked if he minded if
I passed this information on with his phone number to you guys on the list,,,He
said by all means please do,, so those who are interested he may be reached @
(425) 432 1839 his name is Gaylord... Maple valley Washington. Near Seattle
Richard Scott
57 cameo
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959