I've seen the site also. Can't find it anymore.
There were no Chevy parts used. An Olds 430 CID crank
was put in it and and because the cylinder walls were
thicker, it was bored out (alot). It used all
oldsmobile parts. From what I've read, The Olds gas
block isn't as durable as the hard core guys would
like, so they use the diesel block and convert to gas.
I saw an article in an engine magazine a while back.
The block required alot of machine work but used off
the shelf and parts along with a junkyard crank.
--- GremlinGTs@aol.com wrote:
> You know, building a bigger motor for our old
> trucks would be cool, but
> we can't all afford a big block Rat. While reading
> thru an Oldsmobile Diesel
> motor website, the guy owning the site said that
> while it IS a 350 block, it
> isn't a TRUE 350 block, and that it has MUCH thicker
> cylinder walls,
> otherwise the compression a diesel has would have
> blown out the thin cylinder
> walls of the gas block really soon. He said you can
> safely bore it out to
> 427, or higher if the block has a special scan done
> to insure no flaws. But
> the diesel block could be converted to a much bigger
> cubic inch motor
> internally while externally remaining the size of a
> 350 , and using many
> standard Chevy parts ! I don't know if this is
> possible or not, maybe some of
> you posters who had diesel mechanic friends who know
> about this motor can
> verify the wall thickness. But that would be ONE use
> for this boat-anchor
> motor ( as a diesel ), to convert it to a simply
> ASTOUNDING small-block
> big-inch honker. If anyone is interested, I'll dig
> up the website I found a
> few days ago.
> Jerry in Virginia
> '55 TF Suburban
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built
> between 1941 and 1959
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959