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RE: [oletrucks] Wiring questions

To: "AKBurke" <ajkburke@msn.com>, "J Forbes" <jforbes2@mindspring.com>,
Subject: RE: [oletrucks] Wiring questions
From: Wayne Osborne <wayne@chevytrucks.org>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 11:01:52 -0400
If the trickle charger had an amp meter, it would probably work. You'd just 
see the extra current draw on the meter. But don't know if I personally 
would do it. --wayne

At 07:37 PM 5/18/02 -0600, AKBurke wrote:
> >> > The rest of the wiring is going well and with some luck
> >> > I think that I will be able to fire up the beast tomorrow!!
> >>
> >> Good to hear!  Be ready to pull off a battery cable quickly, just
> >> case.....you never know!
>I've heard that hooking up a trickle charger to the battery cables
>before putting the full 12V to it can be used to find
>shorts/faults...and prevent that two word phrase that begins with
>"Oh".  Any thoughts??....could this damage anything?
>oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

Wayne Osborne
1956 Chevy Pickup
LaGrange Ga.
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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