Without the failure symptoms it's hard to tell, but I've owned a bunch of
these trucks and the electric carb was on 84-86. #1 failure for me on 5
trucks of similar type and mileage was the HEI module. We chased it round
and round thinking it was the carb.
Jon C. Peters
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: [oletrucks] Off Subject: old truck trouble
but not ole truck
My 86 Chevy pickup, 305 V8, 215K miles, died on me today on
the way to work; it has one
of the the electric quadrajets, and I'm highly suspicious
that the carb is the problem
from the failure symptoms. I'll look for other things when
I do diagnostics (got stuck
with the twins this PM since my wife had a class so I
haven't been able to work on it
yet). But on the carb...
1--I don't want to change to a non stock carb.
2--I know that a new one from the Chevy dealer is incredibly
expensive (as in
3--Checking around the FLAPS, at least in Knoxville, no one
seems to carry rebuilt
carbs, rebuild kits or parts for these. (The 86 is an odd
ball unit...electronic but
not full computer...think it's non feedback, but the Haynes
manual I have isn't worth
much on this particular topic.)
4--A web search didn't help much either.
I'd like to solicit this group for suggestions (given that I
don't want to put some
other carb on it) for:
* carb rebuilders (maybe found one in TX but that's all)
* carb rebuild kits and/or parts
* used or remanufactured sources.
I don't really want to just go to the junk yard and pull one
off a dead truck that might
have almost as much trouble as mine.
Thanks for any assistance you can offer.
Mark Noakes
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between
1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959