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Re: [oletrucks] Virus warning.

To: MKlepp4335@cs.com
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Virus warning.
From: Miq Millman <miq@hevanet.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:46:58 -0800 (PST)
MKlepp4335@cs.com says:
> In a message dated 11/27/01 9:52:30 AM Central Standard Time, 
> antonio@innercite.com writes:
> <<  just received two emails from list members that may not be aware their PC
>  are infected with some sort of macro viruses. The emails came with hidden
>  attachments with names such as "hamster.doc.pif", "card.doc.pif". >>
> I got one too.

Reminder here:  The list server will not allow attachments to go through, 
so you can not get a virus from the list.  However, if you have posted 
something someone else thought was worthwhile (ie saved it) or sent a 
message directly to someone on the list and they are infected, then it is 
possible to have a message directly sent to you from their computer by some 

Best protection is to not use a program that has access to the launch layer 
of windows (Outlook and Outlook express are notorious).  I would encourage 
anyone that needs to read mail on a PC (I don't) to look at Eudora or even 
use Netscape's messanger.

I've never been hit with a virus on my PC with nearly 20 years of network 
connection and email.  I don't run a virus checker, I just am very careful 
with how I handle attachments.

Miq Millman   miq@bigllama.com  
Tualatin, OR  Big Llama Productions
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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