Enamel reducer or lacquer thinner should work, depending on the paint used. I
e-z off oven cleaner and/or brake fluid to remove paint from model cars that I
rebuilding and restoring. Oven cleaner and brake fluid are nasty to paint but
gentle to styrene plastic and should pose no problem to chrome plated metal for
sure. Use adequate ventilation!!! Removal times may vary depending on age of
paint, thickness, even color to be removed. Blacks, flats, take longer. Use a
container large enough to hold object, immerse in brake fluid, or spray
with oven cleaner. Seal with lid. let sit overnight. Use plenty of soap and
to rinse, may take another treatment to rid of paint. Could also use paint
stripper from hardware as it is on metal...use rubber gloves and plastic
scrubber, monitor so it doesn't harm chrome. This would be quicker, but no less
caustic. Good luck.
Ed in Mich.
'57 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959