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Re: [oletrucks] 3 speed problems

To: Dave Paulson <my51truck@eudoramail.com>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] 3 speed problems
From: "Steven R. Goss" <Steve@AZscholarships.org>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 22:49:25 -0700
Hi Dave,

Ok.... Believe this or not. I have a 55 series 2 with a 235 and a 3 on the 
tree. This was my granddads and then my fathers truck. I picked it up about 6 
weeks back or so. On the drive home (about 350 miles) it started to kick out of 
3rd gear about every mile or so. My dad told me that if it ever kicked out of 
third gear all I needed to do was get the grease gun out and grease the linkage 
zirks under in the engine compartment. Said that for 20 years or so that that 
was a sure fire way for him to tell if his
mechanic did a good grease job.
I was about 100 miles into my trip when this started happening.  I stopped at a 
truck stop at about 11 PM outside of Tonapah Arizona and had a mechanic do a 
lube job. Within 35-40 miles the problem went away. I have driven the truck 
about 2000 miles at this time and have not had the problem again. Though I have 
been warned that I should probably grease it again within the next thousand. I 
am sure this might be associated with wear and tear but it has remedied the 
problem for 20 years or so.  Might be worth a
try. Just remember it takes a few miles before the problem goes away...


Dave Paulson wrote:

> Happy Mother's Day..... just a reminder
> Yesterday, for the first time I took my '53 out on a road trip. I have been 
>driving it occasionally around town without any problems, but yesterday I went 
>on a 140 mile trip. After about 30-40 trouble free miles the tranny kept 
>popping out of 3rd gear. (it has a 250/3 speed column setup hooked to the 
>original trans and torque tube rear)  It didn't matter if I kept my hand of 
>the shifter to hold it in, or not. At one point I stopped and tried adjusting 
>the shifter rod, but that didn't seem to change anything.
> Do I need to keep adjusting it, or is there something else I should be 
>looking at? Thanks for any help you can give.
> ---
> Dave Paulson
> '51 & '53 1/2 tons
> Spokane, WA
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

Steven R. Goss
Arizona Scholarship Fund

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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