I looked briefly, and it looks like I've got some more cleaning to do. I
see a large "GM" and a "10" forward of the fuel pump, but see no numbers
behind it.
Thanks for the information.
At 01:44 PM 5/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
> Look below an forward of the distributor pad with the stamped number.
> Behind
>fuel pump.
>Scott Lent wrote:
> > Second, I'm trying to verify the story I got from the previous owner that
> > the 235 engine in the truck has been rebuilt, and originated in a '53
> > model. I've located the head casting number, and it's from a '56...but
> > have been unable thus far to find the block casting number. Anyone want to
> > tip me off what area of the engine block I should be degreasing? :)
Scott Lent
1956 Chevrolet 3100
Texarkana, Texas
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959