Alright, I actually have 3 questions I'd like answered. (1) I have an old
Hobart T-225 arc welder that I'm trying to bring back to life ( been
interesting to find any cable parts for it, which is all I really need ).
What size breaker/fuse are you arc welders using with your Lincoln / Brand X
220 VAC arc welders? I installed a 50-amp circuit breaker, figuring that was
about the right size for the size of the power cord ( 6/0 on my welder ). A
friend of mine suggested using a 40-amp breaker, for safety, but I'd like
some info on what you guys are using already.
(2)Also, it's been awhile since I've done ANY arc welding, I"m more
familiar with gas welding...which cable hooks up to the part being welded,
and which to the rod? I"m trying to weld up a broken frame on a '77 Dodge
van, as the steering box broke off with part of the frame, common to these
Dodge vans of this era, I've been told, and have seen. No one locally will
touch it, so I'm left to try it myself.
(3) I"ve got a 110 VAC Montgomery Wards "harry homeowner" arc welder, what
size rod/wire should I use? I bought it at an auction last year, but have
never tried using it until recently. I tried the 220 welding rods, but it
just arcs and sticks , won't draw a constant arc to weld with, so I guess
those rods are too thick to be used with this type of welder? and can I weld
the aforementioned frame ( 1/8 inch thick at most ) with the thinner welding
wire it probably uses? Thanks for any help, fella's!
Jerry Casper
rookie welder ( arc )
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959