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[oletrucks] Zinc plated body

To: <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: [oletrucks] Zinc plated body
From: ADvent@thuntek.net
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 18:34:50 -0700
I called around, today, to see about how money it would take to acid dip my
truck's body parts. I found a place I like. It worked out to $37.50 a piece, as
in one door, fender, etc. He also said he could zinc plate those parts in a dip
bath for $50, so for $12.50 I get excellent corrosion protection. I like the 
of zinc chromate as a rust preventative. The zinc would act as an anode and thus
prevent or drastically reduce any chances of rust even if the zinc gets 
through to the steel. The zinc would hold up better under the fender wells where
little stones and rock would surely chip it than paint would. His vat is large
enough to dip the cab. Another advantage is it will remove all the old bondo, as
well. My truck would have more rust protection than a new car or truck has. So
for about $700 oe less, I get  the entire body and bed dipped and zinc plated,
too. Sounds like a deal, huh? That yellow chromate will look good under the
fenders, instead of paint. That will definitely get a close lookers attention.
The inner fenders well might look good with only clear over the zinc. If they
don't cook the parts in an oven after the zinc plating, will hydrogen
embrittlement be a problem?

new mexico jim
51 two ton dump
50 � ton

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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