Some time ago Grant S. slyly posted:
<<I bought a truck that had sat for 8 years, and when I got it home and took
the dusty seat out to clean, I saw a mouse in the underseat space. At first
I wondered why it didn't move, but then I noticed that its eyes were really
shadows where eyes had been.
The poor thing had died under there, and the So Cal dry weather had mummified
it very nicely, so that at first glance it still looked remarkably alive.
I wasn't sure what to do with it. It was almost in good enough shape to
mount like a stuffed animal, but it didn't do with my decor, so I gave it a
public-sector funeral.>>
Now, Grant lobs this lovely little puzzle at us and nobody hazards a
guess what he means by it? Mebbe we're all holiday stressed out already.
Grant, I just gotta know, no lemme guess. Let's see, "flush twice, it's a
long way to City Hall?" No, more likely over your shoulder, into the bin, and
the Tuesday A.M. to the County Landfill?
Paul O'Neil,
1951 Chevrolet 3600 Pickup Project, See it at:
The Poor Man's Advanced Design Tech Tips Page
Fullerton, California USA
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