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Re: [oletrucks] Paint and Pate?

To: trks@javanet.com, jnelson@paducah.k12.ky.us
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Paint and Pate?
From: Advdesign1@aol.com
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:32:46 EDT
<<  I however buy the
 activator by the quart because it has a limited shelf life. >>

Epoxy primer activator has a long shelf life.  

Urethane topcoat activator will start deactivating when the cap is off and 
moisture--humidity-- gets in.  Screw cap on as soon as you are done pouring a 
batch.  As it goes bad it gets thicker.  Have spare sealed can ready next 
time in case partial can pours like honey.  Wipe drips from screw threads as 
dried uerthane activator glues cap down tight.  Remember this 
stuff--isocyanate-- is highly toxic and is absorbed thru skin.  Use nitrile 
gloves and respirator.  
Bob ADler
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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