K & B wrote:
> Hi Folks-
> Just got back from a long weekend of checking out ole trucks for myself! I'm
> happy to report that I'm getting very close to buying a couple of projects!
> Took my son with me today and he gave me the "stamp of approval" to buy the
> two trucks I examined two weeks ago! Hey... this time... no hornet stings!
> But here's the problem ... With all that I've learned so far from reading
> the list... one has to be a 51 and the second a 52, but the current owner
> swears the first is a 47 not a 51!
> The only way I think that's possible is if the doors were taken from a 51
> and put on a 47. The doors have the vent windows and the turn-down, lever
> type handles (which I thought make it a 51). It's also a 5 window cab. I
> explained why I thought the truck might be a 51, but he thought what I
> offered was wrong.
> However... the owner seemed to make a very strong point for the doors being
> original... the truck belonged to his uncle and he never had any major work
> done to it! When I asked if his uncle was the original owner he said no...
> the 2nd owner. I then asked what year his uncle bought the truck. He
> thought it might have been 1952... when he got the second one... new.
> (Humm... enough time to swap the doors?) He's got the title and some written
> history of the truck... and hopes to shed more light on this mystery next
> week sometime.
> Any help from the list? Am I way off base here? Am I missing something?
> Is there a foolproof way to rule out one or the other?
> BTW... none of this will keep me from buying the two trucks if we agree on a
> final deal... I'm just interested in knowing the correct info.
> Any help would be great.
> TIA-
> Ken
One quick way to tell a '47/48 from the later AD's is the placement of
the gas tank. On a '47 and '48 it's under the box, with the filler neck
on the passenger side box side just above the splash apron. On '49 and
later the tank is in the cab. Hope this helps!
Alan Gingles
1948 Chevy 1314
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959