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[oletrucks] Internet Message

To: oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject: [oletrucks] Internet Message
From: FRVT83E@prodigy.com ( MIKE BOTELER)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 22:05:01, -0500
 Where to find the chassie no on a 55 HD serie? There are no ID-plate 
on the
 firewall, so hopefully it�s some place on the frame, but where?
<<Task Force trucks had the ID tag on top front of the driver's door 
frame.  I 
do not think it was stamped in any other place.  The shop Manual 
locations of all parts with a serial number, and only chassis number 
is at 
door frame.
Bob ADler>>

Viggo, my sons '56 has the serial number stamped on top of the left 
frame rail under the front inner fender.  It just shows the last 6 
numbers, not the number letter code ie: 3A56A.  Don't know if all TF 
trucks had this!

Mike B. '56 8400 Wrecker  :)                                          
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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