I'm preparing an open driveline rearend for my 1954 3100 that came out
of a 1963 (I believe) 1/2 ton Chevy pickup. It has the 12 bolt cover on
the rear and a metal plate with the id# E288. Is there some place on
the internet where I can find out more about this rearend? Everything
sounds okay when I turn the pinion and when I put it in my pickup to
wash the gunk off it leaked plenty of gear oil all over the back of the
I'd also like to find out what gear ratio I have (I don't particularly
want to tear it open although that might not be a bad idea to make sure
the gears all look good). Is there some way to determine this without
putting tires and wheels on it? Does anyone have the metal cap that
sets behind the pinion where the u-joint bolts too -- it's like a dust
cap that wraps around the pinion shaft and keeps dirt and stuff out of
the pinion seal. This one is broken and may let stuff get in the
rearend or ruin the seal. Can I make/buy one pretty in-expensively or
do I need to get the whole unit?
Thanks for your help!
Paul Blosser
1954 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959