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Re: [oletrucks] What About A Ford?

To: MIKE RAHL <MRAHL@martinmartin.com>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] What About A Ford?
From: jelerath@us.ibm.com
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 11:03:37 -0600
I had a 1963 Buick Skylark with an aluminum block 215 ci v8.  It was definitely
small and unbelievably light weight.  I have no idea of its dimentions but with
a 4bbl it ran great.

Jon Elerath

MIKE RAHL <MRAHL@martinmartin.com> on 09/02/99 09:36:34 AM

Please respond to MIKE RAHL <MRAHL@martinmartin.com>

To:   Hudson29@aol.com
cc:   oletrucks@autox.team.net
Subject:  Re: [oletrucks] What About A Ford?


You're a bit of a rabble-rouser, I like that.  The Ford small block is 2"
narrower than a Chevy small block which would probably solve some exhaust to
steering box problems.  The Ford is an inch longer with most of that being
in the water pump.  Height is approximately the same.  One significant
advantage to the Ford is that it weighs a bit over 100 lbs less than the
Chevy.  The Chevy small block is going to cost less to build and there is a
seemingly endless supply of performance parts available.  Stock Chevy heads
flow better than Ford heads - with the obvious exception of the Cleveland
style heads.  I do like the distributor being up front on the Ford.
Although I am not anti-Ford in any way shape or form (I own a 65 Ford
Fairlane 500 Sports Coupe with a 302) I would probably be hard pressed to
put a small block Ford into a Chevy truck, but I would certainly not berate
anyone for doing so.  The 46 Chevy PU rod project, which I am just now
getting started, is going to get a 292 inline.  As my Dad says, "whatever
trips your trigger".


    For those of us that are pondering the powerplant choices available for
our oletrucks, the small block Chevy V-8 has a lot to recommend it. It is
of history's great designs, combining light weight, high power, compactness,
reliability, plentiful spare parts and a wealth of easy modifications with
ready availability on the used market. On a purely emotional level, it was
the motor GM fitted themselves as soon as it was available and the little
Chevy V-8 looks right at home in earlier trucks.
    For installation in some older trucks however, not all is sweetness and
light. For one thing, while the Chevy is remarkably compact fore and aft, it
is too wide to fit without moving the steering box and the rear mounted
distributor clouts the firewall unless additional clearance is created.
    As great as the small block Chevy is, it is not the only choice.
made some small V-8s, although I don't know much about them. There is
great small block, one with every attribute that the Chevy possesses and a
couple of advantages that just might just make it a good swap into our
oletrucks. That motor is the Ford.
    As I recall from another project some years ago, the small block Ford is
significantly narrower than the Chevy, and the distributor is up front out
the way of the firewall and in a position to be easily worked on. The T-5 5
speed gearbox is also mated to the Ford in Mustangs and perhaps other cars,
and the whole front from that same Mustang may well be a boon to the rodders
among us. For those that wish an auto, the Ford Automatic Overdrive is one
the best around.
    Has anybody installed a Ford in an early Chevy truck? Will the steering
box clear? How about the firewall? Are there any other problems that crop
    Now, I know that talking about a Ford on a Chevy list is like going to a
Hatfield family reunion and singing the praises of the McCoys, but I think
the little Ford has a lot of potential to solve some of our problems and
thought it worth bringing the subject up. No offense intended to any of you
Chevy die hards!

Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com
1951 Chevrolet 3600 Pickup Project, See it at:
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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