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[oletrucks] Radiator - gas tank

To: <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: [oletrucks] Radiator - gas tank
From: "Keith" <kvdurand@mail.esc4.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:44:44 -0700

I heard a 1984 Olds Cutlass tank will fit TF trucks. I can't verify this. I
know the tank in my 1986 Cutlass is too big. Maybe someone out there with a
Hollander can tell me if these two tanks are interchangeable. I can't wait
until this Cutlass gets replaced. It will make a nice parts car- running
307, new 200-4R, and good rearend...
I'm going to have a 1956 Cutlass 3100. Is there a law against selling used
gas tanks? Pick a Part will not sell them but I think some other local
junkyards do.

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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