I�m currently restoring my �56 P/U. I have installed a 427 cui. + th400 tranny.
I moved the crossmember back in the frame, so that it now is used as a tranny
crossmember for the th400.
When this is said, I have to tell you, is was not a "one houer job", I had to
expand the frame in order to move it, to the correct location. Also I can�t
tell you how my frame will act, when on the road, but it seems to be both
stright and strong enough.
Please don�t take any note of my bad English, I�m a bit rusty
Rasmus Pedersen
�56 3200 �ton, longbed
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dave p <my51truck@hotmail.com>
Til: oletrucks@autox.team.net <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Dato: 1. juni 1999 16:30
Emne: [oletrucks] crossmember question
>I am installing a 292 inline 6 in my '51. Over the weekend I finally got my
>frame mounts fabricated and installed. I got a little anxious and did a test
>fit only to discover that the original crossmember that held the rear of the
>216 is in the way of the th350 tranny.
>My question, or questions:
>1. Can I completely remove it and replace it with a newer tranny
>crossmember, or
>2. Should I trim it so the tranny will slid past it and still install the
>newer crossmember?
>3. Will removing the old one weaken the frame?
>If any of you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Especially if you
>haven't installed a clip, or IFS crossmember.
>'51 long term project
>oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959