I am forwarding this message to you per this gentleman's wishes. This should
be of help to you NAPCO guys.
Pat's e-mail address is - send your NAPCO requests to
him, not me!
Hello, my name is Pat Wilson, I have come upon your site, I think it's
great!, I thought I would offer information to other Chevy/GMC early truck
nuts like me about the Napco 4WD. I have in my possession
3 or 4 different factory manuals which cover, 1/2-1 Ton Chevy and GMC
trucks. I would be happy to share this info. with other people if for
instance a copy of a page, or the whole manual, even though the manuals are
only 1/4 thick. I also have acquired a '55 and later illustration manual
which has exploded views of "everything" from brakes to transmissions to the
4WD front axle!, Come by and check out my site at I am and have been "slowly"
rebuilding a '56 GMC 1 Ton Napco 4WD PU. Anyway
Let me know if someone needs this kind of info. and you can then tell them
where to go! Thanks, now you have a source of info. on this stuff. Pat