Last year we couldn't find any sources for 7.50-17 traction tires. they
should fit on rims with 700-17 now. If they were stored well, 20 year old
tires should be OK, but would probably not give the service of a fresh tire.
they will ship UPS individually.
I would ask owner to guaranty no age cracks, no dry rot.
Bob ADler
Was the availability of 17" traction tires ever determined? I have a
1960 Apache K-20 with 7.00x17" lock rims. I did find some web sites
indexed on (?) and found some 7.50x17" tires though they
weren't traction tires. Will 7.50x17" fit my rim? Anyway there is a NORS
pair of 7.50x17" Tractionite tires on Ebay now, though they are from
1978, and don't know how one might have them shipped. Thanks for your