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[oletrucks] suspension rebuild on my '50 1/2 ton

To: "'oletrucks@autox.team.net'" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: [oletrucks] suspension rebuild on my '50 1/2 ton
From: "Schorn, Tim" <SchornT@ci.fort-worth.tx.us>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:06:46 -0500
I just got the bill (over the phone) for the work on my springs from the
suspension shop...$857.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This included new spring packs
and u-bolts in the front and re-bushing all eight eyes. Don't new spring
packs come already bushed? The original estimate (loose term, apparently)
was only $530. Seemed pretty reasonable. Anyone else had this done? Is the
800 figure ballpark for this much work? What can I do about the difference
(over $300)?

 Tim "50 1/2 t deluxe  

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