Its supposed to be 60 here in Conn today. Hope its melts the foot of snow we
got on Monday.
Grant 50 3100
Andrew Thor wrote:
> It has been a long time since the 3rd week of November when I put my truck
> away for the winter. Winter can be long here in Wisconsin but this year as
> it approaches 58 degrees today it seems to be over (at least for today, as
> in Wisconsin tomorrow it could be snowing again). Thanks to St. Patrick and
> my technical skill (pat on the back) my Dark Green 56 3200 started right up
> this morning.
> For the first time since last year I was able to feel that stiff suspension
> bouncing me around in the cab and non-responsive no power steering. A real
> "Man's truck". To here the roar of that small block and dual exhaust purr
> as I hit the throttle was music to my ears. Not to mention the fun it is
> relearning the stopping distance of the standard no power drum brakes.
> Now I feel more like an active member of this list again, instead of just
> reading about old trucks I can live it again. I love this Game!!!
> Andy, 56-3200 see it and other list members trucks by clicking 56 in the
> Chevy Showcase box at
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959