Well, all, if you'd like, we can bring to Bad Ass on the 15th the Jensen
Healey race car that the Old Crows team has been putting together over the
last 6 months so you can see what we've been up to. It's just about ready
for its debut at a track day at Sears Point on the 23rd of this month,
followed by a full two day endurance race on December 6th and 7th. Be
warned, though, the car is butt-ugly. So butt-ugly that it broke through to
the other side and is now exquisite; all in the eye of the beholder, you
see. Warning number two, you may start to feel a little itch. Nope, it's
not a rash or a social disease, it's that nervous tickle - an itch to get
your hands on the wheel. And it's all downhill and accelerating from there.
Let me know if there's interest.
The Old Crows:
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive