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[NOBBC] Club update

To: North Bay British Car Club <>,
Subject: [NOBBC] Club update
From: NOBBC <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 09:26:38 -0700
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Hi Members,

We've added 4 new members to the club in the past few weeks, on top of 
about 6 from the month before. I've also introduced or re-introduced 
some local British car owners who have bought some of my NOS parts off 
Craigslist to the NOBBC, and one of them recently joined. Some of our 
long time members have migrated from the mailing list to 
the Yahoo Group for added features and functionality and increased 

Betty Miller asked me off-list if I could provide a copy of the 
membership list. I have not been updating the list for a year or so 
because we do nothing with the list (the mailing list and 
the Yahoo Group membership list take its place), and because many 
members did not want their information shared. If you members want to 
re-visit this policy, go ahead and discuss it and let me know. 
Otherwise, I won't make the list, which has addresses, cars and other 
contact info, public. Any communication between members would continue 
to originate through either the mailing list or group, where email 
addresses for each member are visible.

*Drive Schedule*
After the vintage swap meet this coming Saturday at 9060 Graton Rd., 
Graton, from 0900-1400, we'll return to the regular drive schedule in 
September; 14th and 28th. The most recent, but not complete, list of 
items for sale can be downloaded from the files section of the Yahoo Group.

*Yahoo Group*
For those members new to the Yahoo Group, files may be uploaded and/or 
found in either the Files and Attachments. Photos are considered as 
such, and are in the Photos section. We have a Links section, but I 
haven't updated that since starting the Yahoo Group.

You can post messages to the Yahoo Group by logging on at /using the email with which 
you signed up/, or you can send emails and attachments directly to:

*Tech Sessions*
I've been asked a few times recently when I'd be holding another tech 
session; some of you may have attended one or more of the several I have 
hosted. Unfortunately, I don't have time to organize or present a tech 
session for awhile. The vintage parts swap meet is as much a way of 
being able to hang out with NOBBC members as a way to divest ourselves 
of unneeded parts, but it's been time-consuming to organize and prepare 
for for both John and myself, so I won't have any time this year for any 
tech sessions, but if any other members want to make a run at this, 
please step up!

See you Saturday,

Greg Tatarian

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