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[NOBBC] Conclusion - Regular Drive Starting Sites + Destinations

To: North Bay British Car Club <>,
Subject: [NOBBC] Conclusion - Regular Drive Starting Sites + Destinations
From: NOBBC <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 09:14:33 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130107 Thunderbird/17.0.2
Great discussion and suggestions for regular starting sites to explore.

Sounds like we are going to look at two sites just north of our current 
location, and try alternating regular meeting locations during the warm 
months with Sonoma Valley Bagel on Rohnert Park Expressway. We also had 
some excellent suggestions for drive destinations and special starting 
locations, from where we encourage other members  to lead drives.

No response from Dawson regarding continuing February's Valentine 
Day(ish) drive, but I think John will be leading next month's drive 
starting at SVB in RP. Also, Jim Legg may lead a drive to Berryessa, and 
Sheryl has come up with several great suggestions for destinations, and 
put tentative dates in May and June for a visit to Sturgeon's Mill. 
Members in the town of Sonoma, or in Marin County - please feel free to 
set up and lead a drive.

My request of new drive leaders; don't pick dirt or really poor 
condition roads - Trish and I have 2 four-wheel vehicles for that 
purpose, and neither of our Elans nor our TR6 are happy being pounded to 

I've finalized the Google Earth .kmz file and attached it here (only 
subscribers to the Yahoo Group will get it - email me if you are still 
only on autox. We can always revisit this discussion, but this is a 
great start, and we actually have a visual compilation of the discussion 
to work with now - thank you. When I get time I'll go through all the 
discussions and compile a document of the great destination ideas and 
post that in the files section on the Yahoo Group, and post an image of 
the .kmz file for those without Google Earth.


Greg Tatarian

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