For those who weren't there, the CSRG/MGVR Spring opener at Infineon this
weekend was quite an event. It featured historic MG race cars and there were
some of the most amazing cars I've ever seen. But what was really impressive
were the many, many cars that showed up on Saturday in the club parking area.
Bs, As, Ts, and others. I'd love to know how many actually ended up in the
paddock area. The track tour, although a bit sedate for some of us, was
impressive. All those MGs out on the track together. If something like this
occurs again at Infineon or Laguna Seca, you owe it to yourself to attend.
It's something you'll never forget. Many thanks go out to Mike, Andy, Sam and
others who helped organize this.
Rod Williams
Petaluma, California
1967 MGB
Suggested annual donation $11.47