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[Nobbc] Speed

Subject: [Nobbc] Speed
From: Ron Engelhardt <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 13:00:54 -0800
I've noticed on the (few) rides I haven't led that I must drive quite a 
bit faster in the rear than in the front due to the accordion effect 
(especially on larger rides). I have made a point on rides to not exceed 
the posted limit and have tried to start slowly from lights, etc. to 
minimize this effect so those uncomfortable on rides might want to stay 
in the front or even volunteer to lead!

No one has gotten a speeding ticket on any Nobbc ride in 10 years nor 
have we had any accidents. This is a driving club and we do get spirited 
driving at times (like out Skagg Springs) but no one is forced to keep 
up and we do wait to regroup. Most of this type driving happens at the 
end of the ride after we disburse so, again, no push to keep up.

Dawson's ride will be friendlier for spouses, something to look forward 
to. Someone may want to step up and plan a special March ride. In the 
past our rides in March have tended to be really great (when not rained 
out). On the last ride, Gianni and Julia suggested a route out to 
Berryessa, then up to Lower Lake, returning over St. Helena. This ride 
would be brutal in summer but nice during the temperate weather in March 
and April. Anybody want to take it on? I want to ride back in the pack!

58 MGA
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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